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6th International Conference on Chemical Structures

June 2 � June 6, 2002
Golden Tulip Conference Hotel
Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands

Sunday, June 2





Opening Session - Award Address, CSA Trust Mike Lynch Award: Similarity Searching of Chemical Structure Databases Using Graph-Based Similarity Measures, John Raymond and Peter Willett, University of Sheffield


Welcoming Reception, courtesy of MDL Information Systems


Rijsttafel Dinner, courtesy of Chemical Abstracts Service



Monday, June 3



Opening Remarks: Guenter Grethe


Session A � New Algorithms for Searching and Managing Chemical Structures and New Methodologies
Michael Lajiness, Presiding


Application of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms in Cheminformatics, Valerie Gillet, University of Sheffield


Reoptimization of MDL Keys for Use in Drug Design, Joseph Durant, MDL


Clustering of Databases by Browsing and by Mathematical Methods in the Biological Space, Alexander Kos


Product Reviews I




Session B - New Algorithms for Searching and Managing Chemical Structures and New Methodologies
Markus Wagener, Presiding


Product Reviews II


SIV (Selection Through Interactive Visualization) � an Approach to Compound Progression Based on HTS Data, Gavin Harper, GlaxoSmithKline


Making Web Tools Work for Chemists, David Wild, Pfizer


An Early Evaluation of the Experimental Chemistry Preprint Server, Wendy A. Warr, Wendy Warr & Associates




Exhibits Open - Atrium


Poster Session Open (see listing below) � Atrium
authors will be present from 14:00 � 18:00
Rainer Moll and Don Parkin, Presiding


Reception � Atrium, courtesy of Accelrys Ltd


Buffet Dinner - Atrium



Tuesday, June 4



Session C - Combinatorial Chemistry and Molecular Diversity
Johann Gasteiger, Presiding


Efficient and Effective Generation, Storage, and Manipulation of Fully Flexible Pharmacoophore Multiplets for Use in Combinatorial Library Design, R. Clark, Tripos, Inc.


Compound Selection for Virtual Screening Applications, Paul Watson, Astex Technology


Understanding Contradictory Claims about Library Design, Eric Martin, Chiron Corp


A Look at Organic Substituents from the Cheminformatics Point of View, Peter Ertl, Novartis Pharma AG


Product Reviews III




Session D - Combinatorial Chemistry and Molecular Diversity
Peter Willett - Presiding


Product Reviews IV


�BASIS PRODUCTS� Method for Rapid Property Calculation and Filtering on Virtual Combinatorial Libraries, Shenghua Shi, Agouron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


Development of Predictive ADME Models and their Use in Combinatorial Library Profiling and Design, Robert D Brown, Accelrys Inc


Self-Organizing Neural Networks in Drug Design Authors, Lothar Terfloth, Universit�t Erlangen-N�rnberg




Exhibits Open - Atrium
Poster Session Open (see listing below) � Atrium


Open Meeting of the CSA Trust


Reception � Atrium, courtesy of FIZ CHEMIE





Wednesday, June 5



Session E � Structure-Activity and Structure-Property Relationships
Jaques Weber, Presiding


Novel Population-based Optimization Techniques for Feature Selection: Artificial Ants and Particle Swarms, Sergei Izrailev, 3-Dimensional Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,


Accurate Prediction of Aqueous Solubility, Guy Desmarquets, Advanced
Chemistry Development


Quantitative Structure-Enantioselectivity Relationships (QSER) Based on Chirality Codes. Application to a Combinatorial Library of Catalytic Enantioselective Reactions,Jo�o Aires-de-Sousa, Universidade Nova de Lisboa


Product Reviews V




Session E � Structure-Activity and Structure-Property Relationships
Vincent van Geerestein, Presiding


Product Reviews VI


PHARMAEXPERT: Clustering of Chemical Compounds with Required Biological Activity Spectra in Large Databases, Alexey A. Lagunin, Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, RAMS, Moscow


New Methods for Computer-Aided Analysis of HTS Data, Marc Zimmermann, Frauenhofer-Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing




Excursion and Conference Dinner
Busses leave from the Conference Centre



Thursday, June 6



Session F � Molecular Modeling and Managing Three-Dimensional Databases
Kimito Funatsu, Presiding


Molecular Modeling: Indispensable Tool at the Interface Between Structural Analysis and Molecular Design, Christian Lehmann, University of Lausanne


Representation and Searching of Conformationally Flexible Molecules by Extended Cast Method, Hiroko Satoh, National Institute of Informatics, Japan


Exploring the Ache Gorge with Galanthamine Derivatives, Gregor Fels, University of Paderborn


Product Reviews VII




Session G � Synthesis
Guenter Grethe, Presiding


Linking Cheminformatics Tools for Automated Lead Optimization, Martin Ott, University of Nijmegen


A Database for Transition States. Ranking of Synthesis Routes by Using a System Combined Computational with Information Chemistry, Kenzi Hori, Yamaguchi University


Enhanced Retrieval of Synthetic Information via SciFinder, Linda Toler, CAS


Panel Discussion � Conference Summary
Closing Remarks: Guenter Grethe




  1. Finding Structural Themes Associated with Biological Promiscuity Using Structural Browsing Indices, Mic Lajiness, Pharmacia
  2. Extending Optimizable K-Dissimilarity Selection: Incorporation of Bias and Use in the Design of Combinatorial Sublibraries, Robert D. Clark, Tripos, Inc.
  3. Designing a Compound Collection Beyond the Rule of Five, Jerk Vallg�rda, Biovitrum
  4. Bacchus: Breeding Activity-Clustered Chemical Hyperstructures, Nathan Brown, University of Sheffield
  5. Combination of Fingerprint-based Similarity Coefficients Using Data Fusion, Naomie Salim, University of Sheffield
  6. Comparison of Virtual Screening Algorithms for the Prediction of Biological Activity, David J. Wilton, University of Sheffield
  7. Development of the Reduced Graph for Identifying Bioactive Compounds, Edward Barker, University of Sheffield
  8. Optimising the Size and Configuration of Combinatorial Libraries, Trudi Wright, University of Sheffield
  9. Virtual Screening of Natural Product Databases by Similarity Searching and Data Fusion, Martin Whittle, University of Sheffield
  10. CLIP: The Candidate Ligand Identification Program, Nick Rhodes, University of Sheffield
  11. Comparing Proteins at the Tertiary Structure Level Using Subgraph and Maximum Common Subgraph Isomorphism Algorithms, Ruth V. Spriggs, University of Sheffield
  12. Theoretical Studies on the Complexity of �-Sheets in Proteins, Rungsang Nakrumpai, University of Sheffield
  13. Protein Docking Using a Genetic Algorithm, Eleanor J. Gardiner, University of Sheffield
  14. Similarity Measures for Ligands Reflecting the Similarity of their Target Proteins, Ansgar Schuffenhauer, Novartis Pharma AG
  15. Similarities of Inhibitors of Cytochrom P450c17 and of HSV-1 TK Derived from the Superimposition of Three-Dimensional Structures, Alexander von Homeyer, University of Erlangen
  16. De Novo Drug Design and Synthesis of New HIV-1 NNRTIs, Angela Rao, Universit� di Messina
  17. Discovery of HIV-1 Integrase Inhibitors by Molecular Modeling Studies, Maria Letizia Barreca, Universit� di Messina
  18. The Pyramidality of the Azetidine-2-one Ring of Beta-Lactam Antibiotics: The Reliability of Different Calculations, Tamas E. Gunda, HungarianAcademy of Sciences
  19. Statistical Tools and Substructure Retrieval in the MOGADOC Database, Juergen Vogt, University of Ulm
  20. Development of a New Drug Design Program, Eric Pellegrini, Institut de Biologie Structurale, Grenoble
  21. AAB/HIA: Fast Identification of Drug-like Compounds with Poor Intestinal Permeability, Alanas Petrauskas, Advanced Pharma Algorithms
  22. AAB/Tox: Fast and Accurate Prediction of Toxicity (LD50) Alanas Petrauskas, Advanced Pharma Algorithms
  23. Fragmental Methods in Accelerated Lead Optimisation, Alanas Petrauskas, Advanced Pharma Algorithms
  24. Accurate Batch Prediction of Hammett Sigma Parameters for Substituents and pka's for Ionizable Groups,Robert S. DeWitte, Advanced Chemistry Development
  25. Structure-Property Relation Rule Extraction from Large Screening Data Sets Employing Chemical Class-based Reasoning and Predictive Models, Christos A. Nicolaou, Bioreason, Inc.
  26. Prediction of Aqueous Solubility of Organic Compounds Based on the 3D Structure Representation, Johann Gasteiger, University of Erlangen
  27. The Electronegativity Equalization Method for the Fast Calculation of Atomic Charges with Quantum Chemical Accuracy, Patrick Bultinck, GhentUniversity
  28. Development of a Novel R-Group Descriptor and its Validation Using the Bioster Database,: Stephen P. Jelfs, University of Sheffield
  29. Analysis of Chemical Structure Data Using Fuzzy Logic, Sarah Rodgers, University of Sheffield
  30. Integration of Computed Molecular Data with Rendered Images, M. Karthikeyan, National Chemical Laboratory,India
  31. A New Algorithm for Rapid Structure Searching of Large Databases, Karl Nedwed, Bio-Rad Laboratories,
  32. Are You Fuzzy About Data?, Peter Gedeck, Novartis Pharma
  33. Tackling Delocalization: The Demise of the Connection Table, Johann Gasteiger, University of Erlangen
  34. Computer Assisted Synthesis Planning with the Program System WODCA, Markus Sitzmann, University of Erlangen
  35. Computational Investigation of Unimolecular Decomposition of Ethoxy and Propoxy Radicals, Cenk Sel�uki, BogaziciUniversity
  36. From REACCS to Reaction Data Cartridge: Evolution of Reaction Substructure Search Methods, Lingran Chen, MDL
  37. Reaction Prediction Guided by Knowledge Base Derived from Reaction Database, Kimito Funatsu, ToyohashiUniversity of Technology
  38. Development of a Chemical Information Retrieval System Applied to Reaction Databases in Organic Chemistry, Laurent. Dury, Facult�s Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur
  39. iChemEdu � A Web Portal to the Internet Information System(s) iChemLab, iChemLecture and iChemExam, Heinz A. Krebs, Vienna
  40. IUPAC XML in Chemistry Initiative, Antony N. Davies, CREON LAB CONTROL AG NEW PRODUCT REVIEWS
  41. E-Lab Notebook Enterprise from Cambridgesoft, David Spender, CambridgeSoft Corp.
  42. Accelrys - Our Goal is Great Science, Faster, Jeremy Potter, Accelrys Ltd.
  43. FIZ CHEMIE's Chemguide and MedPharmguide now with True SDI Service, Jost T. Bohlen, FIZ CHEMIE Berlin
  44. integrated Major Reference Works: Linking Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Scientific Information for the Organic Chemist, Terry Wright, MDL
  45. Web-based Retrieval and Ordering of Chemical Compounds, Matthias Pfoertner, Molecular Networks GmbH
  46. Feature Trees, Christian Lemmen, BioSolveIT GmbH
  47. Recent and Forthcoming Developments in the Cambridge Structural Database System, I. Bruno, Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
  48. Applications Products Based on Crystallographic Data, Karen J. Lipscomb, Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
  49. The KNOWITALL Informatics System, Gregory M. Banik, Bio-Rad Laboratories
  50. QUASI2 - A New Tool for Ligand-Based and Ligand-Focussed Design, Nicholas C. Perry, De Novo Pharmaceuticals
  51. ClassPharmer(TM) Suite, a Desktop Solution for Screening Data Analysis, Vincent Vivien, Bioreason
  52. Visual Analysis of High Throughput Screening Data, Andreas Witte, Tripos GmbH
  53. Software Applications: Algorithm Builder, QSAR Builder, QSAR Stats, ADMET Pro, Paulius Jurgutis, Advanced Pharma Algorithms

Last updated 05 December, 2004

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